Friday, January 14, 2011

Supervised Image Classification

Related to the previous post about vacant land inventory, this is an exercise in delineating land use types using image analysis.  Previously I used parcel vector data and the linked attribute data looking for parcels over a certain size that had a low or zero improvement value to locate vacant land.

First I've got a 2010 3 band CIR image to work with.  I've started with 5 basic classes(water, forested, pasture, bare earth, pavement) and defined several training data regions for each class manually using a polygon lasso tool.  Waiting for processing results....

Initial results are not great.  I seem to have classified the wooded areas very well, but the road/water/bare earth probably needs more manual definition placed with better precision.  Next to try this on a smaller dataset so it doesn't take days to process and see how good/bad the results are.